While this blog is called TheMusicSnob, I’m usually pretty nice to people and things in my posts. At the same time, I do have a degree in English, and so occasionally I find someone’s use of it so offensive that I just gotta mention it.
I’ve got a contact form on this blog and occasionally people write me. Most of the time they are extremely nice and are just looking for the chance at some exposure, a review or something like that. Sometimes I’m a total d-bag and forget to write them back. If that happened to you, I’m sorry, I haven’t forgotten, it’s just that I have like 52,397 jobs and haven’t gotten around to it. Anyway, the people that offend my English sensibilities are those that write me asking for something and can’t be bothered to even write in near-complete sentences, and offer zero explanation of why I should bother spending my time to essentially do free research for you.
Case in point. Today I get an email that states:
“I need some info on getting my artist song s on ring tones to make money for the company”
That’s it. Let’s look at what information we don’t get:
- Who is this guy?
- What “company” is he talking about?
- Who’s this artist, and why should we care about him?
- Why was he so incapacitated that he couldn’t write us a proper note?
- Why should I care about this guy?
I’m all for helping people. But if you can’t bother to address any of these basic points, then don’t expect too much. I hope this guy isn’t approaching clubs, labels, producers, etc. with this communications strategy.
peace and harmony,
The Snob